NEW - Age 35 & Under Membership Incentive
We have recently added a reduced rate membership option for applicants age 35 and under. The annual dues amount for this category Is $50. This option comes with the same rights and responsibilities as regular members.
You can also select “Gift Membership” on our application form to purchase a membership for a younger friend or family member. The recipient will receive notice of your gift. Think of this when you have the next opportunity to send a birthday or graduation gift for someone in your circle.
Please spread the word. Our goal is to increase our membership and to encourage more young people to engage with us.
Dear Members and Supporters,
I want to thank Karen Morin, our very first President, for her leadership and drive, bringing us from a handful of well-meaning advocates in mid-2021 to a full-fledged 501(c)(3) in just a short period of time. We all thank her for her commitment to our mission and applaud her fortitude and vision in creating a new non-profit. As Karen’s two-year term has now come to an end, I am thrilled to be taking on the reins of The Los Angeles Guild for Reproductive Health and further advancing our cause.
The Dobbs decision in June 2022 turned our world upside down. Many of us – and our mothers and our daughters—never dreamed that abortion would be severely restricted (and in some states practically outlawed) in this country. We will not sit back and do nothing. We will fight.
We know that 2024 will be a challenging year for women’s reproductive rights. This June, The Supreme Court is expected to decide if access to medication abortions will be restricted. Ironically, this decision will happen just about two years after the court overturned the constitutional right to an abortion. The Mifepristone case promises to keep the issue front and center in an election year.
We are gratified to have over 240 members, many of whom I’ve yet to meet. I’m looking forward to meeting many of you this coming year at one of our Quarterly Membership Meetings (next up: January 28th @ 3 pm), the big Parking Lot Sale (March 30), an author event, the Holiday Boutique (November) or perhaps our big annual fundraiser, Women’s Voices, Women’s Choices (tentatively set for September). We have so many exciting events in the works. Let me know if you have an interest in helping get these—or other—events organized. We have a robust team of volunteers but can always use new ideas and additional helpers.
Theresa Burke Chase
Los Angeles Guild for Reproductive Health